Killough Middle School, Alief ISD
Alief ISD’s direction was to replace and consolidate the existing chilled water central plant in the facility, and to oversize the chillers and cooling tower for redundancy and operating efficiency. The existing system consisted of three water cooled chillers and associated cooling tower to condition the building, and two air cooled chillers serving outside air pretreatment units on the roof. All equipment and associated piping were removed and replaced with two water cooled centrifugal chillers and cooling tower. A primary-secondary pumping system was designed with a main and backup system pump to serve the building, and a second, secondary loop pump to serve the outside air pretreatment units. The cooling tower and condenser water pumps were relocated to eliminate pump suction problems and better organize piping in the central plant.
Houston, TX
Services Provided
Mechanical and Electrical
750 Tons