Blanson Career and Technical Education High School, Aldine ISD
The CTE High School was designed to meet the needs of students for more focused vocational training. In addition to standard curriculum studies, instruction in the medical fields (dental assistant, EMT, physical therapy, personal care), logistics, process control, instrumentation, CAD/BIM modeling, graphics design, construction trades, welding, HVAC systems, automobile repair and body shop is provided.
Mechanical systems consisted of a 750 ton chilled water system, gas fired water boilers and a VAV air distribution system.
Electrical systems included general lighting and power with 6600 amp 480 volt service. An emergency generator was provided.
Plumbing systems included domestic cold and hot water systems; sanitary and roof drainage systems; natural gas distribution; chemical waste and vent system; fire sprinkler system; and compressed air for shops.
Low voltage systems included fire detection and alarm system with voice evacuation; and local pro sound system for the cafeteria and gymnasium.
Houston, TX
Services Provided
Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Technology
Molina Walker Almaguer Architects, Inc.
Total Square Feet